Is there a way to access the SDA Bible Commentary online, and can I access the commentaries from my Kindle/iPad/iPhone?


The SDA Bible commentaries are a twelve volume set. Volumes 1-7 contain verse-by-verse commentary and volumes 8-12 are reference material: Dictionary, Students’ Source Book, Encyclopedia, and the Handbook of SDA Theology.  The twelve volume set is not available online for free.  The only free portion of the set available online is Ellen G. White's comments in the first seven volumes, as well as volume 7A, which is Ellen White’s comments collected into one book.  There are three options for downloading the SDA Bible Commentary. See Download Option 3 for the full twelve volume set of commentaries.

  1. Download Option 1: You may download Ellen White's comments in volumes 1-7A to your computer desktop at the EGW Writings website linked below.  Once you are at the website, the middle option at the top of the website is “ebooks.”  After clicking on ”ebooks,” you will see several selections on the left side of the screen-- choose "Bible History.”  After making that selection, you will see a group of publications listed in the center of the screen.  Scroll to page six to see the commentaries.  After selecting each volume separately, you will be provided with a list of four download options, including Kindle.  Choose the option that works best for you.  If you are having a difficult time finding the commentaries with these instructions, see more information below or make an appointment with a research coach.
  1. Download Option 2: You can separately purchase Ellen White's comments only for the the first seven volumes of the Commentaries on Amazon and they will download to your desktop computer Kindle app. allows you to download a free Kindle app for your PC at  After you have installed that reader and opened it, you will be able to register with, so that your Kindle ebook purchases are sent to this desktop PC Kindle app.  If you need additional help with downloading, installing, and accessing ebooks on the Kindle app, contact Amazon support by clicking here
  1. Download Option 3: Logos Bible software sells the commentaries for Windows, Mac, and mobile devices at  This is the full twelve volume set.  Please see the website for pricing. 



For iPhone/iPad, there is a free app called "EGW Writings" that can be downloaded from the App Store. Please note, only Ellen White's comments are available for free. 

  • Last Updated Aug 29, 2022
  • Views 77282
  • Answered By McKee Library

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Comments (17)

  1. I have found ONE free digital way to access more of the old SDA Bible Commentary -- the app! It contains "limited" portions of the SDA BC, above and beyond the Ellen White portions. Note, the WEBSITE doesn't include this material, only the app. Search for it in the Google Play store.
    by Austin Bacchus on Nov 16, 2019
  2. Subsequent to making a purchase at Logos Bible software (and Faith Life) I canceled my purchase after about 50 minutes. A policy I have implemented at my firm is to be able to acquire a conceptual overview of new software and evaluate the effectiveness of our purpose and motivation for the software in 45-60 minutes. Additionally, we place a call to customer service and support to evaluate the service. Our conclusion in regard to # 3 above [downloading the SDA commentaries] the initial conceptual overview at least for our purpose exceeded one hour to access the commentaries. When speaking with support and customer service, we were encouraged (sales effort) to evaluate the SDA silver packages for $999+. Is this a ministry or a sales and marketing organization? I canceled my order...not worth the effort. I will continue to turn the pages in the print copies of the commentaries.
    by Carlos M Martinez on Mar 28, 2020
  3. Hallo therešŸ˜ I've installed "EGW-Writings". In the section books, you've got all the writing of E.G.White including Bible CommentariesšŸ˜ GBU Gabriel
    by Gabriel on Jun 13, 2020
  4. I purchased the SDABC on the Logos platform about four years ago for 150 dollars, and it works well on my Dell Precision 3620 system ( Intel Xeon 3.5 GHz Processor, 16 GB RAM, 2 TB HD). Lower level system might work less well with Logos. I have also found the Faith Life technical service people prompt, friendly, and competent. I recommend the Logos SDABC to those who need to work with the SDABC for research purposes, and also for common Bible studies.
    by Eduard C Hanganu on Sep 26, 2020
  5. Poor are always with us. The Lord would cry when he sees every aspect of SDA's. Business end of getting the lords word out to them...the majority that really need it are the poorest but also the best hearted of sharing the word with others ! Yet they can't because there's not a thing you get without a large price attached, so sad....
    by Ward on Nov 23, 2020
  6. how about hard cover volumes. i prefer the actual books. Is there a latest edition?
    by Mel on Feb 09, 2021
  7. SDA commentary hopefully will be accessible online for referencing for laymen and local church elders who need to expand the understanding of the scripture for better and relevant preaching and sharing! Since this is not accessible, I have to rely on non-Adventist commentary! Hoping that service prevail over profit!
    by Jeks on Feb 10, 2021
  8. Several years ago I bought the SDA Bible commentary, the Logos system. It was great until i needed to upgrade my computer....& found i could not transfer it to my new machine. I needed to pay the 900 odd dollars again! Sorry but I am left with a very poor opinion of it all, refuse to pay again. I use other online commentaries instead
    by Elaine Wadsworth on Mar 24, 2021
  9. All commentaries on the planet earth can be access freely online except the Adventist Bible commentary so sad
    by Pietross Okuta on Oct 26, 2022
  10. The softcopy of it with bible scrolling is being sold via Logos. I know church members who simply google to find the interpretations of certain bible texts and they tell me over time, they get confused. It's really so sad. Anyway i'd just want to add to this list one other source is this page where you can download the pdfs. Personally I use Logos since it makes referring to the commentary extremely convenient. All Adventists must have it no matter what.
    by Sean on Dec 16, 2022
  11. it's a terrible approach that the people who cannot afford to pay these rediculus prices for these books when the church should be doing everything possible to help people study and understand the scriptures it saddens me greatly
    by kelvin taafe on Mar 11, 2023
  12. I agree with many previous comments about accessibility of adventist materials i will add schools and hospitals to the list you will answer to him who said go ye to the ends of the world preaching he did not say to concetrate on profits
    by priscilla on Apr 21, 2023
  13. I left SDAs many years ago, for a variety of reasons. I had quite a library of SDA books which I donated to various people and churches. I knew these people were entrenched where they were, they exercised Godā€™s free will, so I did not feel guilty that I was helping to spread things that no longer spoke to me. As mentioned above, the books were hideously expensive so I couldnā€™t just toss them ~ selling was a pain. Maybe they will be used to recognize the twisted, negative content when compared with scripture and/or other authoritative scholars. May the recipients be blessedly discerning.
    by Cynde on May 08, 2023
  14. You can access, for reading or downloading, the SDA Bible Commentary at the site Internet Once the PDF is on your computer, you can use the "Find" feature to find words.
    by Ricardo & Ana Manrique on May 22, 2023
  15. I think it is sad when a cost is attached to information that individuals need to further understand God's Word. The SDA church need to make the commentaries available online to all that would like to have them and. not charge a penny. We have enough money in our coffures to provide this tool at the GC level. And it should be done immediately.
    by Ramona on Feb 26, 2024
  16. There is a website where you can access the SDA Commentaries from 1980 edition @: However, several have posted there is some missing chapters in Proverbs and James.
    by Larry Duffield on Jun 10, 2024
  17. The comments of Ellen White found in the SDA Bible Commentary volumes 1-7 are available for free download here:
    by Michel M on Jul 04, 2024