What is a PubMed number (PMID)? How do I access a resource with a PMID?


What is a PubMed Number (PMID)?

A PMID, also known as a PubMed reference number, is a number assigned by the NIH National Library of Medicine to papers in PubMed. More information can be found at the National Institutes of Health website.

How do I access a resource with a PMID?

McKee Library's Citation Search tool will allow you to search for an article using a PMID.

To access this tool from the library's website, select "Research, Tools, & Collections" using the menu on the right-hand side of the screen. Then select "Citation Search" under "Locate Books, Articles, & More." 

Next, enter the PubMed number in the PMID line and select submit. If McKee Library does not have the resource you need, you can request the item through interlibrary loan

For help, please visit the How do I? virtual tutorials or schedule an appointment with a research coach (librarian).


  • Last Updated Jun 04, 2018
  • Views 148
  • Answered By Jessica Spears

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